My experience says that often, small learning’s have a greater impact on our lives...they not only alter our thought process but certainly our actions too.
This is one such learning:
An interesting discussion with one of my bosses in the telecom company that I worked:
Me: Boss, I am fed up of doing the market. I wish I was on the other side of the table.
Boss: You are implementing the strategy/policy of the company at the ground level. What’s wrong with that?
Me: Nothing Sir, but its really tough out there.
Boss: You are the face of the company in the market. Based on your market feedback, the management decides future strategy and/or takes corrective actions if required.
There are two sides to any business...Planning/Strategy & Implementation.
{and then the golden words...}
“Always remember, if you don’t know how to implement, you can never plan”.
Hence it is extremely important for young guys like you to first understand & expertise implementation, which can only happen when you work at the ground level.
Me: Yes boss, point taken!